Saturday 18 January 2014


Its Been A While !

There are good reasons though ! . Changing cottages , with all the resulting work to bring the new one up to the condition we want . New son / daughter in-laws , new grandson , losing horses , gaining a new one , and the dog pack is now down to Tyson , and he is some sort of super dog at over 19 !. We also changed river a bit over this time , trying out a few days on the Wye , hardly visiting the Teme anymore , and changing to the Kennet more due to reducing the traveling time . Iv always said that the M40 / 42 / 5 route would be the end of us one day , so less time on them the better ! .We have also reduced the amount we sleep overnight in the back of the motor , not completely though , as we love roughing it a bit , and nothing can compare to sitting with your feet on the boot of the car drinking coffee in the pitch black listening to the sounds of the night .

Kennet PB

So what's made me start up again ?. We there has been a lot of angling done in that time , lots of PB's caught , and even foreign travel . But really it was a comment made by a mate whilst discussing a video I had been watching on fishing Rainbow lake . There were a few people in that very vid that I had stories of in my past life as a carp angler . As I reeled of tales about Dave Whibley , Alan Taylor , and Tim Paisley , having a laugh about it , my mate commented that I should get them down somwhere , as he would read them . I was very fortunate to fish through what is without doubt the best period in carp angling , making your own bait , tackle , flitting round waters searching for those carp , and bumping into some real characters .


 This year I've been fishing 50 years , stories to tell , pictures to post , and catching up with the last 5 or so years of blogging . The posts will jump about , not in any sort of order , and will have poor quality pic ( pic of pics ) , but will be done in the best possible taste !.

 Sue got in on the act , catching her fair share of fish , roughing it with the best , and was always found with the kettle on !. I love seeing peoples faces as they bumble into a swim and find her fishing . 

Then there is James , not sure he knows how good an angler he is !, and catching up with his catches alone would take bloody pages !. 

A fish that I would dearly loved to have caught when we went to france , the one in the lake we were all after , but one day I will return !. 

So there we go , the start of updating , and more important story telling !. Our fishing lives , entwined with normal life of kids , couple of  marriages, having babies , moving cottages , life getting in the way of being on the bank , but would not have any other way . It's all going to get messy , photos to be found , and will start with those characters in that video in the next post !.


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